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And We’re Back! Feature Friday

Welcome back to the second half of the 2019/20 ESG Season!

We are all looking forward to our main performance of the year, taking place on May 9th & 10th.


Until then, please continue to enjoy our Feature Friday posts, where we help you get to know our team a little better…


This week we spoke with:

ESG Performer, Will (12)

How long have you been involved in ESG?

  • Five seasons

What is your favourite Guild Fridays snack?

  • Scones with peanut butter

(Other than snack) What is your favourite part of ESG?

  • The stories: it helps us to get closer to God and to reflect on scripture

What has been your favourite ESG performance (whether you were in it or not)?

  • The Fallen Tent – I liked Paul’s story and it was fun

If you could send Melody on a vacation anywhere in the world, where would you send her and which fictional character would you send with her?

  • Rome Italy with Jean Valjean


Thanks for reading!


We’re already half-way through the season!

It’s hard to believe, but we’re already half-way through the ESG season. Thank you to everyone who came out to Icon Encounter. It was a wonderful experience. Check out our new Fall newsletter for a photo summary of the event!

We are now on a break until mid January. Stay tuned for more Feature Fridays in the new year, and don’t forget to mark your calendars for our Spring presentation, May 9th and 10th!


Feature Friday

ESG Guild Fridays are in full swing, and we want to give you a chance to get to know some of the fantastic people who are part of the ESG family. So, watch for our Feature Friday posts, introducing you to a different ESG member each week.

This week we spoke with:

ESG Performer, Mahla (9)

How long have you been involved in ESG?

  • Four years

What is your favourite Guild Fridays snack?

  • Granola with coconut yoghurt

(Other than snack) What is your favourite part of ESG?

  • The stories, listening to the stories I already know and getting more from them

What has been your favourite ESG performance (whether you were in it or not)?

  • The car-free day one, I liked the freeness to it

If you could send Jeqn on a vacation anywhere in the world, where would you send her and which fictional character would you send with her?

  • Madagascar, with Hermione Granger


Thanks for reading!


Feature Friday!

ESG Guild Fridays are in full swing, and we want to give you a chance to get to know some of the fantastic people who are part of the ESG family. So, watch for our Feature Friday posts, introducing you to a different ESG member each week.

This week we spoke with:

ESG Performer, Amalia (age 8)

How long have you been involved in ESG?

  • This is my Second season

What is your favourite Guild Fridays snack?

  • The Nachos

(Other than snack) What is your favourite part of ESG?

  • When Jeqn asks us a different topic each week (eg if you could be any type of weather what would you be?)

What has been your favourite ESG performance (whether you were in it or not)?

  • Wondertale, I liked all the costumes.

If you could send Melody on a vacation anywhere in the world, where would you send her and which fictional character would you send with her?

  • Australia, with Zoey and Sasafrass

Feature Friday

ESG Guild Fridays are in full swing, and we want to give you a chance to get to know some of the fantastic people who are part of the ESG family. So, watch for our Feature Friday posts, introducing you to a different ESG member each week.

This week we spoke with:

ESG Registrar, Melody Owen

How long have you been involved in ESG?

  • This is my 11th year with ESG

What is your favourite Guild Fridays snack?

  • I have to say my favourite food situation is the pancake breakfast during performance Sundays.

What is your favourite part of ESG?

  • My favourite part of ESG is watching participants relate to each other and grow in their awareness of others in the community and their connection to their spiritual selves. I also enjoy how I’ve been around long enough to watch a number of children from their first grade two year to graduation.

If you could send Jeqn on a vacation anywhere in the world, where would you send her and which fictional character would you send with her?

  • I don’t want to send Jeqn on vacation. I want to send me on vacation. If Jeqn went on Vacation she would go to Costa Rica because I know she wants to go there and she’d take me with her!


Thanks for sharing!


Feature Friday

ESG Guild Fridays are in full swing, and we want to give you a chance to get to know some of the fantastic people who are part of the ESG family. So, watch for our Feature Friday posts, introducing you to a different ESG member each week.

This week we spoke with:

ESG performer, Elaine (11)

How long have you been involved in ESG?

  • Three seasons

What is your favourite Guild Fridays snack?

  • English muffins with cream cheese

What is your favourite part of ESG?

  • The acting: you get to be a different person, and because you do the bible and you already know the story, so you know what happens and you know how to act

What has been your favourite ESG performance?

  • Wondertale. I liked the story, I like the book of Ruth. Also The Fallen Tent: it was fun, I liked the props

If you could send Melanie on a vacation anywhere in the world, where would you send her and which fictional character would you send with her?

  • Scotland, with Frodo Baggins


Thanks for sharing!


Feature Friday

ESG Guild Fridays are in full swing, and we want to give you a chance to get to know some of the fantastic people who are part of the ESG family. So, watch for our Feature Friday posts, introducing you to a different ESG member each week.

This week we spoke with:

ESG performer, Tobias (age 8)

How long have you been involved in ESG?

  • One season

What is your favourite Guild Fridays snack?

  • Everything!

What is your favourite part of ESG?

  • Music, because we get to play with instruments

What has been your favourite ESG performance?

  • The Mustard Seed, because I was the penguin and I got to waddle

If you could send Jeqn on a vacation anywhere in the world, where would you send her and which fictional character would you send with her?

  • Hollywood with an eagle


Thanks for sharing!


Feature Friday

ESG Guild Fridays are in full swing, and we want to give you a chance to get to know some of the fantastic people who are part of the ESG family. So, watch for our Feature Friday posts, introducing you to a different ESG member each week.

This week we spoke with:

ESG performer, Egbert* (age 11)

How long have you been involved in ESG?

  • One season

What is your favourite Guild Fridays snack?

  • English muffins with butter

What is your favourite part of ESG?

  • Playing music – it’s fun

What has been your favourite ESG performance?

  • Naomi and Ruth, I liked just that she [Ruth] didn’t leave when the son [of Naomi] died

If you could send Melanie on a vacation anywhere in the world, where would you send her and which fictional character would you send with her?

  • Hawaii, with Patrick from Spongebob


Thanks for sharing!

*not their real name