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TAD prompt

Hey folks!

We can’t gather in person, but that doesn’t mean that creative and performing arts can’t still happen. Every week until mid-June our wonderful TAD (Teen Arts Drop-in) leader Jeqn will be posting a visual art and theatre prompt for those teens who would normally be attending TAD.

Here’s this week’s prompt. Enjoy!


Covid-19 Update

Hello families and friends of ESG,
We want to update you on where we’re at with ESG.
Sadly, but not unexpectedly, Eastside will not be meeting again for guild Fridays or rehearsals this season. We’re going to put the Magnificat presentation on hold indefinitely. There is too much up in the air right now with the covid-19 situation and while we’d love for the show to go on, we’re most concerned with everyone’s health and safety.
We hope to update in a few weeks with some news about how we’re working to support the kids to stay connected in a social-distancing-appropriate fashion.
We hope you are all keeping safe and healthy.
Thanks for reading!

Dinner Theatre Fundraiser Details

In order to provide this exciting program to kids in the Grandview neighbourhood we need to do some fundraising each year. Please join us at our annual Dinner Theatre Fundraiser, taking place on Saturday, May 9th. Here are some pertinent details:
  • Doors open at 5pm, dinner served at 5:30pm
  • Tickets go on sale April 3rd
  • Seats are $50 each, or $375 for table of 8
  • Vegetarian and gluten-free options are available
  • There will also be live music!
  • Dinner concludes in time for you to catch our first performance of this year’s spring production, Magnificat: A Story of Mary as told by Eastside Story Guild
If you can’t make the dinner but would still like to support us, contact your favourite ESG performer and pick up a book of draw tickets! The draw takes place after the final performance on Sunday, May 10th. Here are some details:
  • $5 each or five for $20
  • Tickets go on sale April 3rd
The prizes that have been confirmed so far are:
  • Galiano Inn voucher
  • 2 sets of Whitecaps tickets
  • BC Lions tickets
  • Bard on the Beach flex tickets
  • Pacific Theatre tickets
  • Flower Box gift certificate

Contact for more details about the draw tickets or the fundraising dinner.

See you there!

Feature Friday

ESG Guild Fridays are in full swing, and we want to give you a chance to get to know some of the fantastic people who are part of the ESG family. So, watch for our Feature Friday posts, introducing you to a different ESG member each week.

This week we spoke with:

ESG Performer, Asher (7)

How long have you been involved in ESG?

  • Two performances

What is your favourite Guild Fridays snack?

  • French fries

(Other than snack) What is your favourite part of ESG?

  • The cast party

What has been your favourite ESG performance (whether you were in it or not)?

  • Icon Encounter

If you could send Jeqn on a vacation anywhere in the world, where would you send her and which fictional character would you send with her?

  • Africa, with Zinguard

Feature Friday

ESG Guild Fridays are in full swing, and we want to give you a chance to get to know some of the fantastic people who are part of the ESG family. So, watch for our Feature Friday posts, introducing you to a different ESG member each week.

This week we spoke with:

ESG Performer, Anya (9)

How long have you been involved in ESG?

  • 3 seasons

What is your favourite Guild Fridays snack?

  • French fries

(Other than snack) What is your favourite part of ESG?

  • Performing and check-in questions (I like saying my ideas and thoughts about it)

What has been your favourite ESG performance (whether you were in it or not)?

  • This Changes Everything

If you could send Melanie on a vacation anywhere in the world, where would you send her and which fictional character would you send with her?

  • England, someone from Lord of the Rings


Thanks for reading!


Feature Friday

ESG Guild Fridays are in full swing, and we want to give you a chance to get to know some of the fantastic people who are part of the ESG family. So, watch for our Feature Friday posts, introducing you to a different ESG member each week.

This week we spoke with:

ESG Performer, Eva (13 age)

How long have you been involved in ESG?

  • Five years

What is your favourite Guild Fridays snack?

  • Potatoes with cheese and sour cream

(Other than snack) What is your favourite part of ESG?

  • Diverse age groups, when I was one of the littlest kids it was super helpful, the people here just make you feel like a real person

What has been your favourite ESG performance (whether you were in it or not)?

  • Fallen Tent

If you could send Melody on a vacation anywhere in the world, where would you send her and which fictional character would you send with her?

  • Five star hotel under an active volcano with Owen Meany

TAD Presents: Mossing Hill Mystery

One town. A crime. Six suspicious characters. Whodunnit?
It’s up to you, the audience, to find out! Come see an original theatre show created by the actors and artists of Teen Arts Drop-In. Their art will also be on display in our gallery before and after the show.

Tuesday, March 10th, 6pm at Grandview Church. The rest of the details here.


See you there!



Feature Friday

This week we spoke with:

ESG Performer, Sadie (10)

How long have you been involved in ESG?

  • Three years

What is your favourite Guild Fridays snack?

  • Nachos

(Other than snack) What is your favourite part of ESG?

  • The cast party because because you’re all together having fun and laughing. It’s just fun.

What has been your favourite ESG performance (whether you were in it or not)?

  • The one about David and Goliath

If you could send Melody on a vacation anywhere in the world, where would you send her and who would you send with her?

  • Rome with Raina Telgemeier