It’s the first Feature Friday of 2022! Thanks for tuning in!
The ESG cast and crew are working diligently on the upcoming performance about Mary, the mother of Jesus.

While they rehearse, rehearse, rehearse, we want to give you a chance to get to know some of the fantastic people who are part of the ESG community. So, watch for our Feature Friday posts, introducing you to a different ESG member each week.
This week we spoke with: Gilbert
How long have you been involved in ESG?
11 years I think?!
What’s your favourite thing about ESG (other than snacks!)?
How you get to see something you worked on come to fruition. There’s a really cool product at the end of what you’ve done.
What has been your favourite ESG performance?
It’s a toss up between This Changes Everything and the Kingdom Beat. Both are Jesus stories, told differently. Kingdom Beat (which was 2016 or earlier) because it was based on slam poetry and set on Commercial Dr. It was told so well, it sticks in my mind. It had a cool vision of how it was depicted, and it engaged all of the kids really well. This Changes Everything just looked really good and I really liked the script.
If you could play any fictional character, who would you choose and why?
A character I’ve really always wanted to play was MacBeth. It’s just a really interesting role and I really enjoy Shakespeare
Thanks for reading and stay tuned for the next Feature Friday!
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