
Feature Friday

ESG Guild Fridays are in full swing, and we want to give you a chance to get to know some of the fantastic people who are part of the ESG family. So, watch for our Feature Friday posts, introducing you to a different ESG member each week.

This week we spoke with:

ESG performer, Tobias (age 8)

How long have you been involved in ESG?

  • One season

What is your favourite Guild Fridays snack?

  • Everything!

What is your favourite part of ESG?

  • Music, because we get to play with instruments

What has been your favourite ESG performance?

  • The Mustard Seed, because I was the penguin and I got to waddle

If you could send Jeqn on a vacation anywhere in the world, where would you send her and which fictional character would you send with her?

  • Hollywood with an eagle


Thanks for sharing!